Saturday, 20 September 2014


Found tis while browsing for something... seemed to be interesting n here i share it to you all..... look into site mentioned in video n know more.....
With the aim of visually demonstrating the behavior of architectural structures, the Mola model simulates real structures, allowing users to assemble, visualize and feel the structures themselves.
The idea for the interactive model began when Brazilian architect Márcio Sequeira de Oliveira was overseeing a postgraduate course and became concerned with the abstract approach given to topics related to structure.
Image cortesy of 

His resulting Mola model provides a way to both study and teach the behavior of architectural structures.
Image cortesy of Catarse

After receiving positive feedback from people who had used the model, the project mentors launched the first . The Mola model kit uses magnets to connect varying parts and create structural models of different situations.
Image cortesy of Catarse

However, commercially launching the project requires a high investment due to the tools needed to manufacture the pieces. So in order to bring Mola to life the team has launched their campaign on Brazilian crowdfunding site Catarse.
Mola Structural Kit – Image cortesy of Catarse

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